06 October 2011

He's So Pretty to Me

I don't need a boyfriend, I need concert tickets...To watch my boyfriend.
And I already have mine!
Tomorrow is the day. I'm gonna see you for real in front of my eyes my dear Alex.

FREE HUGS! *for Alex Gaskarth only

Super freaking excited and I'm sure I can't sleep tonight plus cannot wait for tomorrow night.
celebrity crush <3

24 August 2011

Dear someone.
You just don't know how much I miss you.

Someone who waiting for you

29 July 2011

19 July 2011

There's no one can tear me apart from architecture.
Even my hands are bleed for this architorture.
I am proud to be an architecture student!
A designer

03 July 2011

100 Things in My Life That Makes Me Smile

Hello handsome and pretty people! I came out with this list before the list of 100 reasons why I love you because I still don't find my Mr. Future yet. So peeps, do enjoy reading this and I bet lots of you would smile for the same things as mine.

1. Having no homework/assignment
2. Sleeping in late
3. Making new friends
4. Laughing till my stomach hurts
5. Finally eating the food I were craving for
6. A smile from my crush
7. When someone tells me I smell nice
8. Winning an argument
9. Getting an A on a test that I didn't study for
10. Being called beautiful
11. When people laugh at my jokes
12. Listening to my favourite song, repeat and sing along
13. Do random dancing
14. Girls ONLY-day out
15. Snuggle under my blanket
16. Putting my face on the car window when it's raining outside
17. Bought a new top/bottom/bag/shoe etc.
18. Looking at the pictures from when I were little
19. Finding out the name of the song
20. Proving a smart person wrong
21. Making a stranger smile
22. Being told someone is okay
23. Finding those jeans that fit perfectly
24. Getting unexpected gift
25. When he texts me first 
26. Packing for a vacation
27. Finishing an essay
28. When someone tells me they never want to loose me
29. Realizing it's Friday
30. Finding the money that I hid from the others while I think I
    am broke 
31. Being liked/loved back
32. When little kids draw my picture
33. Knowing I am loved
34. A perfect hair day
35. Wear my hair in a messy bun
36. Take pretty pictures 
37. Playing video games and win it
38. Dress up without reason
39. Visit the places I spent my days while I was young
40. Spend my cash
41. Make a wish at 11:11
42. Staying in my pajamas all day long
43. Finding something lost
44. Deep talks with my bestfriend
45. Finally understanding something
46. Feeling pretty
47. When someone noticed my new hair cut
48. Being trusted with a secret
49. Midnight phone calls that long for hours
50. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all
51. Still lying in my bed although it's already afternoon
52. having someone play with my hair
53. Going to a concert
54. making an eye contact with a cute stranger
55. Get a goodies  
56. Waking up and find out my first class is canceled and I can
    get back to my dream
57. Graduating school
58. Having friends surprise me with a birthday party
59. Helping another in need
60. Taking long. hot shower
61. Knowing someone misses me
62. Be someone's mentor
63. Shower in a waterfall
64. Take a spontaneous road trip
65. Befriend an enemy
66. Get in touch with a long-lost friend
67. Helping a stranger
68. Starry night
69. Swinging at the playground
70. The words 'I love you' partnered with the look that means it
71. The smell of petroleum *addicted 
72. Chasing butterflies 
73. Random acts of kindness
74. Napping on a cloudy. cool day
75. Sleeping in a tent
76. Volunteering
77. Surprise phone calls from a friend
78. Sing along at a concert or in music store
79. Draw a self portrait
80. Finishing my design drawing
81. Get an idea for the design
82. Kiss my very own T-square
83. Make a baby laugh
84. Having a hot chocolate while doing the design
85. Smile at the strangers
86. Pretend to be invisible
87. Skipping around my faculty
88. Have a good sleep after 4 days without sleep doing my final
89. Teasing my buddies non-stop
90. Someone special in my dream 
91. Went to the architectural workshop
92. Dance and mosh like an idiot at a concert
93. Having absolutely nothing in my mind
94. Watching TV commercial with cute kids in it
95. Searching for Alex Turner photos on the internet 
96. Floral pastel dress
97. Extremely insane studio-mate
98. Having a small feet and big smile of mine
99. Second chances
100. Every single thing

Living my life (:

28 June 2011

Why They Dumped Nice Girls?

You’re a catch. You know that, your bestie knows that but why do you always get dumped by great guys? Here’s my take on maybe why it happens.

Relationships are a fickle thing. Being good and agreeable ( both qualities that we like in people), somehow backfires when it comes to a relationship. Sometimes, it’s because we’re bored. Yes I said it—bored.  The truth is, this is the number one reason guys dump great girls. It’s not like we don’t know you’re awesome, we do, but if you’re going to agree to everything I say/like/do, I’m going to want something new—fast. We 
want opinions not minions.

We see the one we can’t have. Okay, here’s another whopper, guys do (no matter how often we deny it) want to date Megan Fox. But we know she’s probably all wrong for us. We know someone like Ms Fox will drive us up the wall, may need constant looking after (since other guys will want to date her too) and might 
be quite a drama queen but if we were given the chance, we’d dump you like a hot sack of potatoes.

Which brings me to my next point—we make mistakes. Yup, I’ll admit it, once we’ve dumped a great girl, occasionally we’ll realise that we were wrong.  You’ve heard of “buyers remorse”, yeah well this is just like it but in reverse. Sometimes, we get lucky, the great girl we ditched will (to our relief) forgive us and take us back. Upon which we generally spend copious amounts of our time and wealth making it up to her until we’re out of the dog house. Not bad deal for you eh?

Watch it girls

29 May 2011

100 Reasons Why I Love You (in the making)

My my my! I suddenly thinking to list out all the reasons why I love him. 
And I definitely will come out with more than hundred reasons why I fall for him.
Unfortunately, I don't find my Mr. Future yet :/
But someday I'm gonna find someone who wants my soul, heart and mind.
Once I found him, I will share it with the world (:

To my knight in shining amour

26 May 2011

Nothing Endures But Change

Hello there earthlings :D Since I met up with an old friend today. It's quite strange how people change but they don't at the same time. Heard gossip about some old friends from high school. Again, interesting how you think people change but they really don't. I think I have changed but I'm told I'm the same.

I like to think that I have changed into a better person. Isn't that what everyone strives for, to be different than we were, gain more knowledge and experience, become better people as we grow older?

I wonder what other people's perspective of me would be. Am I crazy? Am I a bitch? Am I the nicest human being on the planet? *hahahahahahahaha, highly unlikely

A part of me wants to care what others think about me, but I just don't. I want to be happy in my life and I feel like worrying about what others think of me. I will take feedback and am willing to reflect on myself, however I refuse to spend my entire life trying to please other people and being worried that I am going to offend someone. Right? I mean, isn't that how everyone should live? Enjoying life instead of being stressed out about it all the time? I don’t want to be in all time low like Mohd Haszmeer said *credit to my buddy

I don't know, I guess that it works for me and it makes sense for me. Don't worry about what others think, what's important is what you think.

Not surprised

24 May 2011


Sometimes, silent is better than telling loudly to anyone how you are feeling, because sometimes people just don't get you or understand you or want to understand you. 

The one who talk to herself

15 May 2011

Gratitude to the Teachers

When I turned the leaves of my life, I found my teacher’s efforts on each page; helping, guiding, teaching, and tutoring  me and making me go after my dreams.
I want to take this opportunity to wish all my teachers Happy Teacher's Day.

With a special gift for learning and with a heart that deeply cares,
You add a lot of love
To everything you share and even though
You mean a lot,
You'll never know how much for you helped
To change the world
Through every life you touched.
You sparked the creativity
In the students whom you taught,
And helped them strive for goals
That could not be bought,
That no words can truly tell.

With the help of these guys, I’m able to see beyond others. They added lots of things to my personality and forced me to think out of the box.

Notes to all teachers from St. Patrick Kindergarten, S.K Datin Khadijah, S.K Putrajaya Presint 16,  S.K Putarajaya Presint 11, SEMESTA, S.M.K Putrajaya Presint 9, TIKL, MARA Junior Science College Kuantan. Last but not least to all lecturers of Department of Architecture UiTM Seri Iskandar. (: And not to forget every single one plus thing that had taught me about life.
*lots of school huh ;p

A student forever

13 May 2011

Heart of Stone

    Have you ever felt like you’re completely alone in a place that faces are unfamiliar, buildings and roads that surround you are exposed to for the first time, you realize that you do not even know how to navigate around the place yourself, you know nobody, and alone had never felt so real?
     Then again have you felt in a moment where you want to be away from the world, the world you know and are familiar with, be at a place that no one knows you and vice versa? Who isn’t afraid of loneliness, everyone is. But all you wanted was to be alone, away from people, void of pain, hurt, anger, love, happiness, fear, expectations, disappointment and any other emotion. Where you feel nothing at all, including loneliness.

I am the one

10 May 2011

SUPER Exciting!

Sorry, can't wait to write about this
I just wanna SCREAM out loud right now
Aulia, please control your emotion. Take a deep breath.
Fuhhhh~ *still jumping around in my room with a big smile on my face :D teehee~
OMG! OMG! He send me a message. Just now!
He's so freaking hot! Please be my hubby! 
*hop hop hop and now I faint 

You know who you are

Maybe He Know Me After All

What kind of feeling is this? Idk
He’s million miles from me
We don’t know each other before
And now...
I just sitting here all alone, waiting for a miracle to happen
I think I like you my fairytale

  Mood : I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope

It has always been you (:

09 May 2011

Lets just start with capital H-E-L-L-O

Aulia has a blog? Impossible! Well I guess I wanna try something new for my 4 months semester break *at least I have something to do
So, I'm gonna make this short. This blog is not gonna tell you every single thing happen in my life. But I'm gonna write any kind of things that I wanna share.

.a sinner and a saint.